Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Review of Investment

Dear Mr.Shrikant,
I have started the following investments through the SIP route with effect from August,2008.Kindly advise if any changes need to be made in my potfolio.My time frame is 5 years.
1.HSBC Equity(G)-Rs.3000 per month.
2. DSP ML Top 100 Fund(G)-Rs.2000 per month.
3. Kotak K-30(G)-Rs.2000 per month.
4. HDFC Top 200 (G)-Rs.2000 per month.
5. HDFC Prudence Fund-Rs.3000 per month; and
6. DSP ML Balanced Fund-Rs.3000 per month.
My age is 44 years and my risk appetite is good.



Dear Sinha,
Your portfolio is very very good. You are absolutely on the right track with the right selection of funds. If anything, the fund is too Defensive to begin with. With your time frame of 5 years, and your age of 44, you can afford to invest in Opportunities Fund to give some spice to your otherwise bland portfolio.
You do not need two Balanced Portfolios. You can reduce your sip in HDFC Prudence to 1000 per month and invest the saved 2000 into Reliance Growth Fund. Same way, You can reduce your sip in DSPML Balance Fund to 1000 per month and invest the saved 2000 into DWS Investment Opportunity Fund.
Your portfolio is very good but Ultra Defensive and though your portfolio will earn you good returns, you need to effect the two changes I have recommended to maximise your returns without comprising the "Safety" Aspect in your portfolio.
Your portfolio after the two changes will look like this :
1.HSBC Equity(G)-Rs.3000 per month.
2. DSP ML Top 100 Fund(G)-Rs.2000 per month.
3. Kotak K-30(G)-Rs.2000 per month.
4. HDFC Top 200 (G)-Rs.2000 per month.
5. HDFC Prudence Fund-Rs.1000 per month;
6. DSP ML Balanced Fund-Rs.1000 per month.
7. Reliance Growth Fund - Rs.2000 per month.
8. DWS Investment Opportunity Fund - Rs.2000 per month.

While going for sip, stagger your sip dates to take maximum use of NAV Volatility.
Best of luck,
Srikanth Shankar Matrubai.

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